The Void

179 Members
(Still being configured. You can join, but expect problems for a while.) This is the place where you can go down many rabbit holes, most likely never to return. Most of the rooms here are not controlled by the Void's staff, however for the ones that are, please avoid sending overly NSFW content, and don't post anything that would attract attention to us. We're here to form a community consisting of users of all skill levels, learning and sharing knowledge with each other.37 Servers

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8 Jul 2023
@goolies:matrix.orggoolies joined the room.11:57:55
@zzfreaks:matrix.fedibird.comzzfreaks joined the room.12:03:13
@antisocial:hackliberty.orgNotsuba removed their display name Notsuba.14:07:23
@antisocial:hackliberty.orgNotsuba left the room.14:07:38
@foxyledy:matrix.orgLedyBDSM changed their profile picture.15:18:34
@ropot:matrix.fedibird.comropot joined the room.15:54:25
@lemmi:midov.pllemmi joined the room.17:20:14
@bullseye:nitro.chatbullseye removed their display name bullseye.20:42:03
@bullseye:nitro.chatbullseye left the room.20:42:19
@mmdso:matrix.orgArzemani Darzemani left the room.23:43:06
9 Jul 2023
@envsic:sakura.cienvsic joined the room.01:39:36
@envsic:sakura.cienvsic left the room.01:39:55
@wherearewe:0wnz.atwherearewe left the room.02:40:17
@goolies:matrix.orggoolies left the room.07:54:17
@j.markjohn123:matrix.orgj.markjohn123 joined the room.10:25:48
@cscscs0202:matrix.orgcscs joined the room.12:54:52
@r3v4n:nitro.chatr3v4n joined the room.16:25:50
@r3v4n:nitro.chatr3v4n left the room.16:26:06
@jackass-deting6090:matrix.orgjackass-deting6090 joined the room.17:01:42
@constantinedev:matrix.orgroot@sys changed their display name from root@sys: to root@sys.22:40:48
10 Jul 2023
@zipoulashh:matrix.orgzipoulashh joined the room.00:15:54
@loosecannon:nitro.chatloosecannon joined the room.03:46:51
@vasee:nope.chatvasee joined the room.11:45:17
@vasee:0wnz.atvasee joined the room.12:14:44
@aritomo:nitro.chataritomo joined the room.13:21:47
@nnaddictjames:matrix.orgnnaddictjames (nn pics) dm ok joined the room.13:57:04
@jenna00:nope.chatjenna00 joined the room.14:10:49
@fivem:matrix.orgjenkings joined the room.14:15:56
@jdo:nitro.chatjdo joined the room.14:22:22
@jdo:nitro.chatjdo left the room.14:24:20

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